Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Flowers and Feast

Holidays are treating me well as I have plenty of time to relax and unwind from the seemingly impossibly challenge that was last semester. Continuing kanji classes in preparation for next semester when I shall be in the same class as the Chinese and Korean students, though most days are hima.
中日いけばな - Ikebana Exhibition

Emily and Gretchen received tickets to  an Ikebana exhibition in Sakae and graciously allowed me to come with them to view it. Turns our that their teacher at Kinjyou is rather famous for her Ikebana as her father created a popular style.The exhibition was marvelous and I'm grateful that I was able to go.

 Shall have to have an event when I return home to show all the creations, though have included my favorite 4 in this post. ^_^


Managed to catch the Evangelion exhibition in one of it's final days and spent the last of my money on merchandise. Here are just a few Kaworu things that I have accumulated since coming to Japan. Have loved Kaworu ever since I first watched Evangelion and my love for him has only grown.

Also, I received a TV and speakers from Justin before he left. They belong to John, are super awesome for watching movies and I should be able to hold onto them until he returns.


Congratulations to all my awesome friends!!
Yesterday everyone (except me) graduated from their exchanges at Aichi Shukutoku Daigaku. Akemi gave a speech and it made me a little teary. :( Wore my dressy dress with my hair out and got a number of compliments which I was not expecting.
31 Likes on Facebook - Achievement Unlocked.

Most of the students from countries other than China and Korea will leave in the coming weeks, though Laura and my Chinese friends (including Lin) are here until August doing normal University in Japanese.


Last night we had a feast of three tables worth of food, some made by students and others by teachers who also attended the event. I made my blue star cookies again and they seemed to go down well despite everyone filling up on the other delicious mains first. My favorite dish of the evening was one with eggplant made by Susei and I hope she will make it again next time.

Some dishes
- Fruit salad (Abe Sensei - Head teacher)
- Star cookies ( me)
- Vanilla and chocolate sponge cake with raspberries baked in, cream and chocolate (Laura)
- Tacos (Justin - he had been promising to make it for a while)
- Gyoza 
- My favorite dish (Susei - no idea what it's called)
- Lettuce, rice and curry (Toyoda sensei)
- Sweet coconut cake? ( Anchan)
- Karage
- Pumpkin pancakes
+ so many other dishes that I cannot even describe

The weather is starting to warm up.Thismorning it was "mushi atsui" which means muggy or humid.

Super excited for when my parents come to visit!!
Room is booked here and it's only a number of days. ^_^ Trying to think of things that I would like for them to bring over for me.
Received tickets for theSougetsu Ikebana exhibition from my wonderful and extremely kind Kado teacher Aoki sensei.  Shall take my mother along when she comes to visit for sure!

Hope to get around to writing some letters home in the next few days. ^_^ So you might receive those soonish.

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