Friday, December 26, 2014

The day that wasn't before it was.

11:30 am- was woken up from a wonderful dream involving a dove stroking my cheek with its wing, by Nuki-sama. Euphoric.
11:35 - realized it was the 25th. Tried desperately to go back to sleep. Depressed.
11:40- Ignored a Skype call. Realized it was from my sister so spent some time text chatting. Slightly better. 
12:00- Gave up trying to sleep. Decided to go into Sakae spur of the moment. Resentful. 
1:00 pm - Go to 7 Eleven to withdraw overdue rent money. Blank at my pin. Card locked. Gave up and caught the bus anyway. Disoriented. 
2:30 - Arrive in Sakae, card still locked. FML- Starbucks latte + call to card company = unlocked. Relieved.
3.30 - Osu Kannon- Purchased the Kaworu wig spotted two days ago, not purchased at that time due to lack of cash monies. Somewhat thankful.
5:30- No red contacts in Osu - Kanayama. Dissapoint. 
6.00 - Dolleyes Kanayama - expensive, though anything for Shinji-kun, right? 時が来た。
6:13 - Dissapointing dinner alone in Kanayama. Carefully calorie counted to be less than 200 calories. Should have stayed in bed. Dismayed.
6:20 - Contacted by Mioko. Both homesick. Suggested Mum would like to see me. Mutual understanding. 
7:15 - Panorama Express to Agui. Hope?
8:00 - Tadaima. Patted Fran-chan. Hepled Mum make a wonderful Christmas feast. Mum loves my Kaworu Nagisa wig. :p Homeliness.
9:00 - Nanako arrived home. Enjoyed the Christmas feast with Mum, Nanako, Aunty, Grandma and Dad :). Enjoyed a 1998 red wine from Mount Pleasant NSW with the wonderful home cooked meal. Laughed a lot. Smiled a lot. Ate delicious local oranges for dessert and was warm by the heater and in good spirits with good company. Belonging. 
11:30 - Grandma and Aunty went home. Read all the wonderful messages from family and friends. Called Paws for the first time in forever. Remembered. 
12:00 - Shower. Generously lent clothes, towel, toothbrush, band-aid, phone charger, bed. Sleepy time. Extremely thankful.  
2:45 am - Posting and looking forward to wonderful adventures tomorrow. Thinking of you all. Sleepy.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas in Japan

Went out to Sakae yesterday to photograph the interesting Christmas displays.

Japanese celebrate Christmas much as we celebrate valentines day, and New Years is celebrated like Christmas.

No idea what is up with the mustaches but they featured heavily in this shops decorations. I dig them. ^_^

Red,black, upsidown trees, Santa pandas, tree outfits and of course Christmas Cake shortcake which is marketed to couples, were among some of the fantastic odes to this Commercialitic  Christmas.

No matter how much my love of Japan, Christmas here always leaves me asking "Why?"

Despite occasional quaint mixes of Japanese style and Western theme which make me smile and are rather creative, the plastic waste of packaging, cheap trees, tacky decorations and outfits always seems to leave me feeling a little uneasy. Sure, we have some similar things in Australia, though we have also Christians and Pagans, people who bring a real rounded feeling to the holiday season and remind us of it's earthy and mystical roots. We celebrate as a family, how it should be.

Tonight is the Christmas party. Got up early, put on my silly obligatory antlers sent by Mum, got my obedient housewife face on,  made cookies. ^_^

Hope people like them.

Pics of the party will be posted once the hangover subsides....keep an eye out for them. 

Monday, December 22, 2014


今日(12月22日)は気持ちが色々あった日だった。朝のスピーチをやりたくない気持ち,お昼に自分の終了パーチーに遅刻したため,恥ずかしさがあったそれとスピーチ中泣き顔の悲しさ,スタバクスに行って先生達が書いたメセジを読む時に懐かしさ,それ後部屋に帰ったと少し鬱病の気持ちになってしまった.頑張ろう気持ちで出かけた. スパで会った知らない男にお菓子をもらった時に喜んだ.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

雪遊び - Playing in snow (photo heavy)

Waking up to the fresh snow outside. My warm bed blanket now matching the blanket of snow visible from the window. Fresh and crisp and white.

Walking from Ihouse the realization that there were exams to do did nothing to stop my pleasant mood at the sight of snow. Working with some interesting angles you can see my outfit for the day including deer hat.

The various shapes of trees in Japan make for interestingly unique Japanese-poi photos.

Features of the University make for good photos too...

As does this Christmas tree with actual snow (though it's a fake tree)

After my exams there was time for Starbucks where the lady drew a reindeer on my Gingerbread Latte, followed by a walk through the forest. The climb was pleasant though slipped and fell on my bottom on the way to the lookout, getting mud on my glove. The view was worth it.

Feilds of bamboo were also covered in snow making for a very Japanese sight. The floor was still littered with the yellow and red Autumn leaves of spectacular shapes and sizes.
This is my absolute favourite picture of Winter this year. 

The frozen lakes make for beautfiul photo opportunities and again the shape of the trees is very aesthetically pleasing. 

Finally an obligatory snow angel was made and though my clothes were covered in snow, it was extremely fun. Let out a high pitched squeal of enjoyment while falling back into the snow, doing my best to make the wings and skirt.

Hoping you are all safe and well in your respective countries and that life is treating you well. Please keep an eye out for all the adventures now my exams are done (today was my last)
Sending love, Senti.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Might seem strange, though I really like Christmas. Not for it's ridiculous often tacky decorations, not for those carols that you have heard a million times that elicit that socially expected irritated reaction, but actually fill you with a secret nostalgia, not even for the Snow Maple Lattes at Starbucks or gingerbread cookies, Christmas is when myself and those around me suddenly, miraculously remember that there is more to life. More than exams, more than work, more than washing clothes and doing dishes, more than new possessions or fashions, more than earning more, or less the previous year or the general daily grind, there is love. There is always love, though like Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Birthdays, we seek to set a certain time with which to celebrate it. Christmas is a whole week or so when people actually decide that there is time to celebrate and suddenly they realize, they rediscover the beauty in the world. Love is the beauty in the world. Love is what we love and beauty is manifest of that mind state. I love you all. 

Winter's first snow blew into Ihouse today. The white power blanketed the slope outside my room, the blizzard sweeping with it's winds across the pavement. Drew a heart in the snowどきどき and wished you were here with your warm love for a cold winters evening.

Was blissful to see the snow again and hopefully it shall not be the last time. Some things are so welcome back after a long year, as the wondrous snow that flutters around ちらちら.

Tomorrow is another exam, though another exam faced is another exam down. So far 4 have been completed and a further two remain. We are on the home straight now and Winter Holidays (my long break until home) are just around the corner.

Starting to plan for the return home, organizing my documents and items. With any hope, like the Winter's soft powdery magic, you will all welcome me with open arms, dancing in the glory of one of life's true highs. Looking forward to many reunions.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

誕生日おめでとう - Happy Birthday.

This year my birthday was mixed.

After receiving my birthday present of the most incredibly amazing headphones ever to exist, a pair of Bose headphones (currently wearing them) super early from my parents, the two cards received on my birth-day, one from my parents and the other from Auntie Chris,Uncle Les and Grandad, were welcome though felt somewhat lonely.


Spent my birthday first in class, then headed into Sakae. After collecting my Happy Birthday eeveelution ( chose Glaceon), my Pokemon Birthday crown to signal the staff to all wish me a Happy Birthday and limited edition birthday card, went to post my Christmas and New Years cards, then to Cafe Renard, the Fox Maid Cafe. Ordered their special sponge cake and got this fantastic image drawn before my eyes.

Received a fox stamp from Tonje and a fox handkerchief from Tonje and Mio. ^_^ These really cheered me up as, while it's understandable that sending gifts from overseas is expensive, not receiving any gifts on your birthday is not a good feeling.

Was pleasantly surprised by Luke English (Facebook stalk him) upon returning home from University and finding a beautiful single pastel pink rose, chocolates and message had arrived for me. This man is such a sweetheart and could very well rock my universe. He definitely spared no expense in making me feel special and loved on my birthday.

Thisevening the generous people of Ihouse held a dinner party for me. ^_^ Made miso yaki nasu (which is an acquired taste it seems) and there were some wonderful dishes which were enjoyed without reserve thanks to stopping my diet . Miyuki made pumpkin pie upon my request and she made me one just for me.

Some wonderful people also remembered to message me on Facebook despite my birthday not being listed. ^_^ Many thanks to these people and it's a pleasure to have you in my life!

So, not so bad really. Just wish you got what you give sometimes.

Finally the weight is over.

Quit my diet because.

1. It was making me unwell physically
2. It was making me unwell mentally
3. It's no longer important for me to be "one of them"

I am Australian. I am queer. I am loud. I share my feelings openly.
I am not thin, never will be and that is fine. I'm wonderfully Belinda shaped.

Realized I was at risk of losing a lot more than just a bunch of weight, and it scared me.

Please enjoy this picture of the delicious red bean and strawberry (they are back in season) icecream that I had been avoiding for the past 4 months, but finally let myself enjoy.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A rose by any other word

Two weeks ago Taka took Andy and myself to Nishio, a small town famous for it's green tea. Though no green tea was enjoyed, eel was eaten, bad translations read (above) and we managed to make it to a magnificent rose garden. Though there was not much to write about the day, here are some photos of the beautiful roses. Please enjoy.

 Must admit that there were almost tears when this Blue Moon Rose was discovered among the sea of roses. A memory of days past when there was a similar rose that grew at Grandma and Grandad's place. A rose that we planted together. Sweet memories that shall be treasured forever.