Thursday, February 13, 2014

Yagoto Koushoji

Today, instead of pottery, we went to see the Kousho temple in Yagoto. Pottery will instead be next week, so don't fret.

My morning class did not start until 10:30, so I had a little sleep in. Class was cut short by the trip which meant that I had less lesson and more enjoyment time.

Went with my class by subway to the temple and we wandered around some markets that were being held here. I bought a white Ume bonsai to keep Cy-chan company. It was half the price, but did not come with a ceramic bowl, so I shall replant it as soon as possible into something more permanent. 

You ask me "Belinda/Senti/Boo, how do you look so gosh darn adorable all the time", well, here is a rundown of my outfit for today.

- Striped cat tights - bought in Osu Kannon - $3
- white floofy skirt - Target

- Elephant print shirt
- Blue cape, lined with fur trim on the hood - Bookoff - $2

This temple is connected with the Tokugawa family. It's grounds hold the only wooden pagoda in the whole Tokai region, and offer training to young monks.

 We were able to go into the temple building where the Buddha is kept. There was a monk praying inside the sacred area where you cannot go. As always it was painted in black and very intricately decorated with gold. Such a lavish presentation inhabited by those who chose to abstain from such things.

Seeing the temple I remembered how I had once wished to become a monk, now understanding the real attraction that there is in living such a simple quiet life dedicated to being thankful and thoughtful.


Outside the temple was this Tou (stone pagoda) ..and inside these rubber duckies.
I suspect it was a kids play area, though they were an unexpected sight.

 Overall it was a really pleasant day out with friends.
Lin, myself and Laura.

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