Tuesday, July 22, 2014

子供の遊びー *^_^*

Let's start at the very beginning as it's a very good place to start.

Shall endeavour to write this blog without my mouse which is in the dorm. Also, these updates will come in a set of three separate blog posts and I encourage you all to read each of them even though they will be posted within days of each-other (hours if I'm productive ).

We continue my adventures with a day at my host mothers school in Aguii.

After introducing myself to mum's second graders (6-7 years old) was introduced to the English teacher Cassie who comes to the school once each week to teach grade 5 and 6. Spent the day helping with these classes, learning how to conduct a class and met some very engaged and wonderful children.

Some highlights from the day include the number of children who said "dekai" "ii nioi" and "sono sukato sugoi ne".

Dekai - huge. Previously associated with shame about my body size, now brings me a sense of joy in feeling like a giant. ^_^ Was even taller than all the teachers and it made me feel special and unique.

Ii nioi - good smell. After changing to "Honey I soaped the kids" from Body Shop last week it was good to know that people around me not only notice, but appreciate the smell. Apparently the wonderful Mioko also loved soap from Body Shop. ^_^

Sono sukato sugoi - that skirt is amazing!. Wore the white flowery skirt made from two Target childrens skirts from Australia. It's such a much loved skirt and great for summer.

 Breakfast was 2 delicious onigiri. Lunch was coffee in the staff room and a meal eaten at a small desk with my new friends from Mum's class, though there was too much gohan (rice) so that was made into an onigiri which was eaten at dinner and the gohan from dinner transferred to the next day. We also had my favorite food of the moment, eggplant. Boil em roast em stick em in a stew, eggplants!!

Last class of the day was spent in my mothers class where we had some fantastic activities such as question time (to me then from me) before the class dances mum taught me the night before. These dances were also a massive highlight for the day and my favorite is the song about chewing your food well because it involves making crocodile-like jaws with your arms and yelling "fudoranai - Won't get fat!". XD

The talented children made me some origami spinning tops which shall be cherished and we took some photos together before home time. All in all an amazing experience and hopefully there will be a chance to visit again at a later date. Many thanks to all the students and teachers.

P.S Re-adding "teaching" to my list of dream jobs.

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