Friday, December 26, 2014

The day that wasn't before it was.

11:30 am- was woken up from a wonderful dream involving a dove stroking my cheek with its wing, by Nuki-sama. Euphoric.
11:35 - realized it was the 25th. Tried desperately to go back to sleep. Depressed.
11:40- Ignored a Skype call. Realized it was from my sister so spent some time text chatting. Slightly better. 
12:00- Gave up trying to sleep. Decided to go into Sakae spur of the moment. Resentful. 
1:00 pm - Go to 7 Eleven to withdraw overdue rent money. Blank at my pin. Card locked. Gave up and caught the bus anyway. Disoriented. 
2:30 - Arrive in Sakae, card still locked. FML- Starbucks latte + call to card company = unlocked. Relieved.
3.30 - Osu Kannon- Purchased the Kaworu wig spotted two days ago, not purchased at that time due to lack of cash monies. Somewhat thankful.
5:30- No red contacts in Osu - Kanayama. Dissapoint. 
6.00 - Dolleyes Kanayama - expensive, though anything for Shinji-kun, right? 時が来た。
6:13 - Dissapointing dinner alone in Kanayama. Carefully calorie counted to be less than 200 calories. Should have stayed in bed. Dismayed.
6:20 - Contacted by Mioko. Both homesick. Suggested Mum would like to see me. Mutual understanding. 
7:15 - Panorama Express to Agui. Hope?
8:00 - Tadaima. Patted Fran-chan. Hepled Mum make a wonderful Christmas feast. Mum loves my Kaworu Nagisa wig. :p Homeliness.
9:00 - Nanako arrived home. Enjoyed the Christmas feast with Mum, Nanako, Aunty, Grandma and Dad :). Enjoyed a 1998 red wine from Mount Pleasant NSW with the wonderful home cooked meal. Laughed a lot. Smiled a lot. Ate delicious local oranges for dessert and was warm by the heater and in good spirits with good company. Belonging. 
11:30 - Grandma and Aunty went home. Read all the wonderful messages from family and friends. Called Paws for the first time in forever. Remembered. 
12:00 - Shower. Generously lent clothes, towel, toothbrush, band-aid, phone charger, bed. Sleepy time. Extremely thankful.  
2:45 am - Posting and looking forward to wonderful adventures tomorrow. Thinking of you all. Sleepy.

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