Sunday, September 14, 2014

秋らめないで (pun: Autumn, don't give up)

This week bought some very pleasant news with the head teacher approving me to enter level 4 Japanese. Initially this semester there were tears after being told that there was a high chance that there would be no other option than for me to enter the lower level, to avoid a massive jump in difficulty posed by being in a class full of Kanji literate Chinese students who had already completed JLPT 1 and 2. However after reassessment, a number of students managed to "level up". Level 4's became 5, and 3's became 4. The sensei also mentioned that there were students within the new 4 who were in the same position of being truthfully between classes as myself last semester, who would face a possibly extremely challenging semester, though this did not include me.


David Grey - Babylon

The past 3 days have seen a change of mindset for me. Seems that the hot dragging days of Summer have given way to the cooler more pleasant days of Autumn. Outside my window the trees are beginning to change their colour and the sky is a brilliant blue.There is a refreshingly cool gentle breeze which carries with it a hint of the winter chill. The cicarders don't sing as loudly, though the smells of the world are beginning to return.

Music has also helped to put me in a pleasant mood for cleaning and homework.So far the futon had been hosu-ed, sentaku senkaku-ed (clothes washed) and soon the yuka will be soujiki-ed (floor vacuumed)

This weekend is a long weekend, so the homework load does not look as scary as there is one extra day to complete it. Homework this semester looks to have an even heavier workload than last semester, though my determination to succeed will push me through it.


Seto-mono matsuri (The Seto items festival) was yesterday. Was guide to 6 new students and although we had to take 5 different modes of transport, being able to view the scenery on the way and the feedback from the day was positive. Was a great chance to use my knowledge about both ceramics and Japanese culture as we wandered along the streets lined with various pottery and ceramics. Managed to brgain down the price of most of the items to get roughly 30-40% off.  Have already begun using some of the items purchased, though the day was not without a touch of disappointment.

残念な狐コップ The unfortunate fox cup.

Always looking for fox related items at these festivals as you all know of my fursona. Was looking at a stall with cups with various images painted on them. Asked the shopkeeper if there were any fox ones and he pointed out a single absolutely adorable perfect cup with an image of a fox in a kimono. Asked the man next to me if he could grab it for me.
He picked it up, then fumbled it
                                hit his hand..
                                                                     then the ground where it smashed into pieces.
Picking it up the shop keeper asked if I'd sustained any wounds, though the only wound was to my heart. The man who dropped it did not apologize to myself or the shop keeper. He just kept looking then walked out. Felt terrible about the broken cup, though managed to get a pamphlet with the address of the main shop.

咲いちゃん Cy-chan

After being neglected during the Summer Holidays, Cy-chan has made a miraculous recovery from a state near death. The resilient bonsai has fresh leaves and green stems. Was so sure that the little guy was lost after about a month and a half without water, though he is a fighter it seems and looks to be making a speedy recovery.
Grow Cy-chan grow!

 Many of you will also be aware of my new lolita dress picked up from Violet Blue, my favorite second hand lolita outfit shop.

The brand is Anglic Pretty - Milky Planet and it belongs to the form of lolita known as "Sweet".

This is pretty much my dream dress as it has both rainbows and icecream as well as being my favorite colour, blue. The dress also sports pockets which are relatively rare for lolita Hoping to go shopping for those vital accessories to make it perfect once the weather cools down enough to wear it out.

 That pretty much sums up the first few days of Autumn. Soon there will be new seasonal sweets for me to try and new adventures to plan as the maple leaves redden and it becomes cool enough for long walks.

You know what is already cool...Bastien.

Much love to you all!

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