Saturday 土曜日
Saturday of last week was spent in Handa with Tonje and Jie viewing the higanbana. <3 We had lunch with my gracious host family in Agui before being dropped into Handa by Mum.Being given a second large flower made of recycled plastic bottles (reminded me of the things Grandad makes) by the local grandmas.
Meeting Fumi who spontaneously began chatting with me while viewing the flowers and invited me to a Halloween event at Blue Bonnet.
The rare chance to view the wedding procession through the flowers which happens once a year and this year was the wedding of the daughter of the owner of Softbank, the biggest phone company in Japan.
Drinking the special Gon coffee then receiving another Free Entry ticket from the lovely ladies at the souvenir shop after giving the one received at Tokonameyaki festival to friends. Managed to purchase quite a bit of Gon related merchandise.
Sunday 日曜日
Sunday was spent with Taka who took me to The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga. Was able to view Andy Warhol's Campbells Soup and Marilyn as well as works by Matisse, Picasso and Taka's favorite Lichtenstein. Was such a buzz to be able to view such famous artworks in person.
We had a small treat for lunch at a teahouse close to the museum.
Had some time before dinner so Taka asked if there was anywhere on my list of places to visit. "Would be wonderful to see the Ginkakuji" and he took me straight there.
This man is almost as committed to my happiness as Nuki-sama. Almost.
Managed to pick up another season hanging wall decoration. This time with a white rabbit and Autumn theme.
We took a mountain path (chosen by myself) on the way out of Kyoto and the scenery was beautiful.
Dinner was ata fantastic German Restaurant with a unique feel and delicious food. The highlight was the cheesecake with apple on top and berry sauce which Taka and myself shared for dessert.
Now onto the not so pleasant explanation of reality. Let's start with some pleasant points first.
Tuesday 火曜日
Tueday was Kado. Despite choosing the most complicated flower shape, there was much win. Seems that taking the challenge paid off with this weeks creation which resembled more closely a Western arrangement than the usual minimalistic kado.Wednesday 水曜日
Shortest day for classes so there was time to head into Nagoya to celebrate the Shinkansen's 50th Birthday. ^_^ Purchased the special Shinkansen anko filled pancakes for the people at Ihouse as well as some expensive, though extremely unique and delicious Japanese sweets for myself from Takashimaya.Thursday 木曜日
Not such a good day with little food, an exam and much sleep. Have reverted back to my coffee addiction and thus spend most afternoons at Starbucks. My favorite is their Bitter Caramel Macchiato.
Friday 金曜日
Feeling weak and unable to concentrate, my body was somehow transported through pure willpower to classes including Reading where the teacher informed me that there was much to revise after my failed exam.Afternoon brought some relief with my favorite secret demon Shodou teacher. His front teeth each form two points and in my mind he is an awesome fude (brush) wielding caligraphy demon. This makes me feel a certain affinity with the man.
He suggested that my name be Belinko because Ko = fox.
Something like this ------->

However, tomorrow is Saturday and there is a picnic planned for students of Ihouse to mingle with Japanese students in Nagoya. Really looking forward to it.
Next week is a new week.
Next week will bring new kado, more shodou with my favorite demon *is a demon fox*, the chance to create tanka in sakubun (writing) and continuation of the interesting Listening tape about Gorillas. Also, the delivery of a letter in the mail from Nuki is being looked forward to. Just need to remember the positives. Right?
Hope you all take care my lovies and hope the next few days bring some relief and possibly even happiness for me.Remember, only 4 months now until my return.
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