Quick update of life in Japan and some of the things that have been happening since my last blog update. Firstly, seriously considering the purchase of a Tamagochi 4U as it is not only nostalgic, but will provide an easy distraction during boring train rides and long homework sessions.
Secondly, Shinkansen celebrated it's 50th anniversary on the 1st of October, drawing my attention to the underdeveloped public transport networks of Australia. (One of the increasingly many possible points for improvement for Australia before it can even think about becoming a serious international leader). The technology currently being utilized by the Japanese far surpasses that of any in Australia and holds promise of further technological advance.
Thirdly is the international student meet and greet picnic that was held at Meijo Kouen. This event gathered international students from around Nagoya as well as Japanese students with an interest in various subjects related to international relations or culture. Many students from Ihouse were in attendance and overall the day was very enjoyable. Everyone was asked to bring a plate of something, though after cooking for an event two night previous, my contribution was a meager box of BBQ Shapes.
Completely won at Kado that week and was able to create three arrangements of differing styles effectively using the same basic flowers.
The following week was the blood moon. Although he had no previous knowledge of the lunar event, Taka agreed to view it with me as soon as my intention to watch the rare blood moon was mentioned. He trusted in my ability to show him the wonders of the world and indeed it was an event that shall never be forgotten. Asking him to take me as high up as he could, Taka took me up a mountain overlooking Gifu-jo where we watched the event.
Bought the rabbit hat below to commemorate the event of the blood moon and told people that in order to view the blood moon, the rabbit who pounds rice to mochi on the moon (myself) needed to come to earth. It's the same brand as my deer hat and shall keep my real ears warm during winter. Thankfully it has plenty of room for my beloved headphones too.
Gradually getting better at cooking. On the left is a collection of dishes showing my usual dinner foods which include a lot of mushrooms and pumpin as they are particularly delicious this time of year.
On the right is the feast for Maru's birthday.
Last week on Satuday students from Ihouse were invited to an "Ocha-kai" or green tea party. These events seem to have been created to encourage interest in enjoying Japanese green tea and participation in tea ceremonies. The green tea was delicious and the sweet served featured Nagoya castle complete with gold leaf.
Was a wonderful chance to wear my newest Autumn lolita dress which was purchased at Violet Blue. What do you think? Took photos with the hostesses and tried the macca grinder.
Sunday was Hamamatsu to view Giogio de Chiroco. After viewing the gallery we had time to view Hamamatsu-jo where a souvanere for my teacher Tabata was purchased and we stroled the gardens. Just before leaving there was time for a photo with Ieasu who was just arriving. He seemed to live me a lot. ^_^
Lunch was the best unagi in Japan. Literally, this area is very famous for having the best eel in Japan. Feeling very fortunate to have had it.
Look at that happy fox face. ^_^
Unagi is one of my favorite foods of all time.
Finally, Japan has massive pears, Bastien is handsome, this week was another win in Kado and this maroon and charcoal outfit from Axes Femme is one you will be seeing a whole lot more of.
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