Have come to the realization that recently the amount of study being completed pales in comparison to the previous semester. While my frequency of travel and contact with native speakers has increased, this semester does not seem to see me pushing as hard academically. However, this must not be viewed as a failure to try, but considered in it's totality as a period that has facilitated personal growth.
There have been dark days filled with that sense of escapism that plagued me throughout my highschool years and marred my personal development in the past, however my struggle to overcome these and my triumph of life and living though it is, for me, a momentous achievement which carries more weight than any other. The construction of self effects the very pathways and mannerisms through which my being accesses and perceives the world.Thus this time has been valuable and there is no regret on my part regarding the use of this time.
Not to say that there has been no study, as all of my homework has been neatly completely and many a quiet comment given regarding my improvement this year, which in refection is a certain reality given my circumstances. Merely that any extra study beyond that which is necessary to complete the course, has been opted out of. However as it is never too late to begin something new, from now the intention to engage in these extra tasks shall be acted upon.
It is only in the past few days that life has been feeling like it should. No longer suspended in a thick trance-like haze as if running mid air from some vicious monster whose shape remarkably resembles my own, instead feet touch the cool rain-soaked grass and the contrast of the rich red Autumn leaves and strikingly brilliant blue sky fill me with wonder again. I'm alive.
Hoping now that these darker days of Summer will close as a book for the shelf, or more so the pile of wisdom that will allow me to climb higher and see the world more fully. Serve as lessons learnt and another stepping stone to bring me closer to my desired reality of having higher self esteem while continuing to live my dreams.
Food is still a challenge, though the road is long and this insight of the past few months may prove to be advantageous given my chosen profession of psychologist. Each evening brings a healthy home-cooked meal of delicious vegetables, the ability to cook another achievement unlocked since my exchange began. Had 7 Norwegian cookies with hot chocolate thisevening, dipping them each in until the sprinkled sugar on top dissolved and the dough softened. Don't worry about me.
Though many of you have been oblivious to this recent struggle, you have been in my heart and at the back of my mind the whole time. To know that each of you is known to, and cares for my existence is of great comfort. That love from my friends and family permeates my being and is reflected in my person so strongly that it is ever-present as is the gratitude for it's gift.
To clear days and starlit nights, even when the rain falls softly.
To changing leaves, the new sewn seeds, new chapters in my story.
To the voice inside behind the doubt that whispers through the haze,
To never give up, my darling love, for that is your greatest glory.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Past two weeks.
Quick update of life in Japan and some of the things that have been happening since my last blog update. Firstly, seriously considering the purchase of a Tamagochi 4U as it is not only nostalgic, but will provide an easy distraction during boring train rides and long homework sessions.
Secondly, Shinkansen celebrated it's 50th anniversary on the 1st of October, drawing my attention to the underdeveloped public transport networks of Australia. (One of the increasingly many possible points for improvement for Australia before it can even think about becoming a serious international leader). The technology currently being utilized by the Japanese far surpasses that of any in Australia and holds promise of further technological advance.
Thirdly is the international student meet and greet picnic that was held at Meijo Kouen. This event gathered international students from around Nagoya as well as Japanese students with an interest in various subjects related to international relations or culture. Many students from Ihouse were in attendance and overall the day was very enjoyable. Everyone was asked to bring a plate of something, though after cooking for an event two night previous, my contribution was a meager box of BBQ Shapes.
Completely won at Kado that week and was able to create three arrangements of differing styles effectively using the same basic flowers.
The following week was the blood moon. Although he had no previous knowledge of the lunar event, Taka agreed to view it with me as soon as my intention to watch the rare blood moon was mentioned. He trusted in my ability to show him the wonders of the world and indeed it was an event that shall never be forgotten. Asking him to take me as high up as he could, Taka took me up a mountain overlooking Gifu-jo where we watched the event.
Bought the rabbit hat below to commemorate the event of the blood moon and told people that in order to view the blood moon, the rabbit who pounds rice to mochi on the moon (myself) needed to come to earth. It's the same brand as my deer hat and shall keep my real ears warm during winter. Thankfully it has plenty of room for my beloved headphones too.
Gradually getting better at cooking. On the left is a collection of dishes showing my usual dinner foods which include a lot of mushrooms and pumpin as they are particularly delicious this time of year.
On the right is the feast for Maru's birthday.
Last week on Satuday students from Ihouse were invited to an "Ocha-kai" or green tea party. These events seem to have been created to encourage interest in enjoying Japanese green tea and participation in tea ceremonies. The green tea was delicious and the sweet served featured Nagoya castle complete with gold leaf.
Was a wonderful chance to wear my newest Autumn lolita dress which was purchased at Violet Blue. What do you think? Took photos with the hostesses and tried the macca grinder.
Sunday was Hamamatsu to view Giogio de Chiroco. After viewing the gallery we had time to view Hamamatsu-jo where a souvanere for my teacher Tabata was purchased and we stroled the gardens. Just before leaving there was time for a photo with Ieasu who was just arriving. He seemed to live me a lot. ^_^
Lunch was the best unagi in Japan. Literally, this area is very famous for having the best eel in Japan. Feeling very fortunate to have had it.
Look at that happy fox face. ^_^
Unagi is one of my favorite foods of all time.
Finally, Japan has massive pears, Bastien is handsome, this week was another win in Kado and this maroon and charcoal outfit from Axes Femme is one you will be seeing a whole lot more of.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
野良狐 - Stray Fox.
Time for another update of my bloggy. Let's start with a positive before we get down to the reality of a week that, in retrospect, could have been a whole lot more pleasant.

Highlights of the day were the vibrant red spider lillies against the blue sky
Being given a second large flower made of recycled plastic bottles (reminded me of the things Grandad makes) by the local grandmas.
Meeting Fumi who spontaneously began chatting with me while viewing the flowers and invited me to a Halloween event at Blue Bonnet.

The rare chance to view the wedding procession through the flowers which happens once a year and this year was the wedding of the daughter of the owner of Softbank, the biggest phone company in Japan.
Drinking the special Gon coffee then receiving another Free Entry ticket from the lovely ladies at the souvenir shop after giving the one received at Tokonameyaki festival to friends. Managed to purchase quite a bit of Gon related merchandise.

Sunday was spent with Taka who took me to The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga. Was able to view Andy Warhol's Campbells Soup and Marilyn as well as works by Matisse, Picasso and Taka's favorite Lichtenstein. Was such a buzz to be able to view such famous artworks in person.
We had a small treat for lunch at a teahouse close to the museum.
Had some time before dinner so Taka asked if there was anywhere on my list of places to visit. "Would be wonderful to see the Ginkakuji" and he took me straight there.
This man is almost as committed to my happiness as Nuki-sama. Almost.
Managed to pick up another season hanging wall decoration. This time with a white rabbit and Autumn theme.
We took a mountain path (chosen by myself) on the way out of Kyoto and the scenery was beautiful.
Dinner was ata fantastic German Restaurant with a unique feel and delicious food. The highlight was the cheesecake with apple on top and berry sauce which Taka and myself shared for dessert.
Now onto the not so pleasant explanation of reality. Let's start with some pleasant points first.

Not such a good day with little food, an exam and much sleep. Have reverted back to my coffee addiction and thus spend most afternoons at Starbucks. My favorite is their Bitter Caramel Macchiato.
Feeling weak and unable to concentrate, my body was somehow transported through pure willpower to classes including Reading where the teacher informed me that there was much to revise after my failed exam.
Afternoon brought some relief with my favorite secret demon Shodou teacher. His front teeth each form two points and in my mind he is an awesome fude (brush) wielding caligraphy demon. This makes me feel a certain affinity with the man.
He suggested that my name be Belinko because Ko = fox.
Something like this ------->
The main thing getting me down is probably the amount of homework. Though anticipated, it's still managing to feel more like a mountain than a well organized collection of folders. From now on out things will only become more intense as the weeks go on and the stress, it is building.
However, tomorrow is Saturday and there is a picnic planned for students of Ihouse to mingle with Japanese students in Nagoya. Really looking forward to it.
Hope you all take care my lovies and hope the next few days bring some relief and possibly even happiness for me.Remember, only 4 months now until my return.
Saturday 土曜日
Saturday of last week was spent in Handa with Tonje and Jie viewing the higanbana. <3 We had lunch with my gracious host family in Agui before being dropped into Handa by Mum.Being given a second large flower made of recycled plastic bottles (reminded me of the things Grandad makes) by the local grandmas.
Meeting Fumi who spontaneously began chatting with me while viewing the flowers and invited me to a Halloween event at Blue Bonnet.
The rare chance to view the wedding procession through the flowers which happens once a year and this year was the wedding of the daughter of the owner of Softbank, the biggest phone company in Japan.
Drinking the special Gon coffee then receiving another Free Entry ticket from the lovely ladies at the souvenir shop after giving the one received at Tokonameyaki festival to friends. Managed to purchase quite a bit of Gon related merchandise.
Sunday 日曜日
Sunday was spent with Taka who took me to The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga. Was able to view Andy Warhol's Campbells Soup and Marilyn as well as works by Matisse, Picasso and Taka's favorite Lichtenstein. Was such a buzz to be able to view such famous artworks in person.
We had a small treat for lunch at a teahouse close to the museum.
Had some time before dinner so Taka asked if there was anywhere on my list of places to visit. "Would be wonderful to see the Ginkakuji" and he took me straight there.
This man is almost as committed to my happiness as Nuki-sama. Almost.
Managed to pick up another season hanging wall decoration. This time with a white rabbit and Autumn theme.
We took a mountain path (chosen by myself) on the way out of Kyoto and the scenery was beautiful.
Dinner was ata fantastic German Restaurant with a unique feel and delicious food. The highlight was the cheesecake with apple on top and berry sauce which Taka and myself shared for dessert.
Now onto the not so pleasant explanation of reality. Let's start with some pleasant points first.
Tuesday 火曜日
Tueday was Kado. Despite choosing the most complicated flower shape, there was much win. Seems that taking the challenge paid off with this weeks creation which resembled more closely a Western arrangement than the usual minimalistic kado.Wednesday 水曜日
Shortest day for classes so there was time to head into Nagoya to celebrate the Shinkansen's 50th Birthday. ^_^ Purchased the special Shinkansen anko filled pancakes for the people at Ihouse as well as some expensive, though extremely unique and delicious Japanese sweets for myself from Takashimaya.Thursday 木曜日
Not such a good day with little food, an exam and much sleep. Have reverted back to my coffee addiction and thus spend most afternoons at Starbucks. My favorite is their Bitter Caramel Macchiato.
Friday 金曜日
Feeling weak and unable to concentrate, my body was somehow transported through pure willpower to classes including Reading where the teacher informed me that there was much to revise after my failed exam.Afternoon brought some relief with my favorite secret demon Shodou teacher. His front teeth each form two points and in my mind he is an awesome fude (brush) wielding caligraphy demon. This makes me feel a certain affinity with the man.
He suggested that my name be Belinko because Ko = fox.
Something like this ------->

However, tomorrow is Saturday and there is a picnic planned for students of Ihouse to mingle with Japanese students in Nagoya. Really looking forward to it.
Next week is a new week.
Next week will bring new kado, more shodou with my favorite demon *is a demon fox*, the chance to create tanka in sakubun (writing) and continuation of the interesting Listening tape about Gorillas. Also, the delivery of a letter in the mail from Nuki is being looked forward to. Just need to remember the positives. Right?
Hope you all take care my lovies and hope the next few days bring some relief and possibly even happiness for me.Remember, only 4 months now until my return.
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