So many adventures have been had since my last post. When Summer Holidays finished, it was to be the last of my adventures, though they seem to have continued on into Autumn also. Seems an age since my last post and you should be assured that the semester is in full swing, sweeping me up into things that consume time and mind.
Firstly, leveling up slowly with regards to bento making with this bento. The bento includes tamago yaki (rolled egg), yaki miso nasu (steamed miso eggplant) as well as gohan (rice) with furikake.
Bastien looks fabulous->
<- Kado classes started along with my other classes. This is my second arrangement this semester and it was particularly nice to work with the blue flowers as they matched my eye shadow and lashes.
Grand Adventure
We met at Kouzouji early and traveled by car up into the mountains. After the first cafe we found in town was not open, we decided to travel into the mountains and see what was available for lunch. Thankfully we found this place.
The food was delicious, the feel of the restaurant amazingly Japanese and super relaxing.
Then we went up the mountain in the car. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking and the higher we climbed, the more spectacular it became.
The views were truly picturesque.
As we gazed down at the town and fields below, dragonflies zipped around us. Landing on the thinnest and highest sticks of the surrounding bushes. Searched everywhere for an aka tanbo (red dragonfly) and was ecstatic when one was spotted.
The leaves are changing and life is about to get a whole lot more hectic from now. After writing this blog, homework must be done and preparation for tomorrow must begin.
As many of you know, recently my wish to become skinny has been taking me through some interesting feelings and thoughts, though please be assured that everything is going to be fine.
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