Friday was spent wandering Sakae and the evening was spent watching the start of Domatsuri. It rained the whole performance though the energy that the dancers have really lifted me from an unpleasant mood. Spent Saturday morning at Domatsuri and afternoon with Taka. ^_^ Was a pleasant day. Sunday (last day of summer holidays) was spent relaxing Mum and Dad took me and my bags all the way to Nagakute in the evening which was extremely kind.
Today was the first day back at classes after the Opening Ceremony for the new exchange student semester yesterday. Wore my really pretty gold patterned dress to look like an adult for the ceremony. ^_^
First day back was rather interesting.
As we are not sure of my placement into classes this sememster due to a massive jump in the difficulty, my first lesson Listening was to be with the slightly lower level 3. However, when the teacher Tabata sensei arrived in the classroom, she instantly asked me to head over to level 4. After the class with level 4, Abe sensei (head teacher) asked me to stay back for a moment..was super worried. Abe sensei asked for me to sit in on level 5, the highest level 0.0 Turns out my listening is rather good (no surprise)/.Level 5 involves watching a television program, however it has a written element that would be near impossible for me to complete each week as it's made for Chinese students who are strong in the written component. Was still a pleasure and a surprise to know that Abe Sensei has such faith in my ability.
Made yaki nasu (steamed eggplant) and onigiri for lunch before Kado. Since my camera was out of battery there are no photos, though there shall be next week so look forward to them.
After that it was time for Hana Syoubu. Managed to relax and even sleep in one of the rooms of the Ganbanyoku. ^_^ Did the fire ryoryu where they super heat the air, twice! Watched the moon rise from my favorite round hot tub and felt my stress melt away for a short while.
Going to miss my Summer Home in Agui, though I'm going back tomorrow afternoon for a massage.
So thankful for such a wonderful Summer holidays with the Sakata family and for all the adventures that were had. Was truly a Summer to remember.
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