7:00 Wake up.

Adventures. Where do I start? Despite facing an impending exam period, Senpai took Remi and myself on another adventure filled day which was extremely enjoyable from start to finish. After being collected from the station we were taken to 谷汲山 華厳寺 ( tanigukisan kegonji).
The temple and it's surrounding scenery were rather breathtaking! Just the wood carving within the temple alone was marvelous and one could spend hours admiring the craftsmanship. The black painted inside of the temple would mask the detail, though on the contrary it only serves to excentuate it as the lower light encourages focus. Outside the maple trees are mostly green with a few early reds and the stone sculptures have partly sercum to nature, tops covered with moss. True tranquility.
Wandering further up from the main temple complex we came to ... a tanuki shrine!!!! Remi and Senpai prayed for success on their exams, though I shall wait until the JLPT to make such wishes.
Lunch was ざるそば ( cold soba noodles ) at a place reccomended by Senpai. Thankful that he was able to recommend such a wonderful place and lunch in the company of friends was very much enjoyed. Hoping to try many more foods such as this while in Japan.
Simplicity - Breakfast and excersise as usual
Convolution - Plans scattered through my mind with so many times and places and people to meet.
9:40 -leave IHouse, bags packed with everything needed for summer with the Sakata family.
10:30 - Meet Remi at Golden Watch, locker my cumbersome bag then catch a train.
昼 - Lunch
11:00- 5:00 - Meeting senpai at the station. Adventures.
The temple and it's surrounding scenery were rather breathtaking! Just the wood carving within the temple alone was marvelous and one could spend hours admiring the craftsmanship. The black painted inside of the temple would mask the detail, though on the contrary it only serves to excentuate it as the lower light encourages focus. Outside the maple trees are mostly green with a few early reds and the stone sculptures have partly sercum to nature, tops covered with moss. True tranquility.
(Nuki-sama you would have loved it! There were tanuki statues everywhere! Were you to obtain/cultivate such a shrine I would most gladly be the kitsune omamori-sama.)
Lunch was ざるそば ( cold soba noodles ) at a place reccomended by Senpai. Thankful that he was able to recommend such a wonderful place and lunch in the company of friends was very much enjoyed. Hoping to try many more foods such as this while in Japan.
Shopping followed as Remi wished to purchase a pair of adorable callots. Initially we had some trouble finding them though once we realised we were at the wrong end of the mall, we located Starbucks and navigated from there. ( From Starbucks everything else is in relation). Returning to Starbucks again my caramel latte was thoroughly enjoyed along with being able to hold hands with Remi and senpai. Human contact feels good.
Having still time free before traveling back to Nagoya, Senpai was tasked with finding a suitable cafe for us. He picked one called Cats Cafe. They had the most splendid parfaits!! Remi ordered a caramel parfait and myself and Senpai decided we were not sure if we could finish a whole parfait each so given our mutual love of matcha, got a larger than average parfait that would have averaged 3/4 of a normal one each. Remi asked Senpai and myself to eat the whipped cream from her caramel parfait as she did not like it, though we also took the rich caramel ice cream ( so naughty).
We all looked so happy after the parfaits, especially Senpai and myself as we seemd to share a love of sweet things. Gave Senpai a hug promised to him from earlier and we said goodbye for now and I wished Remi and Senpai best of luck studying for exams.
5:30 - Arrive back in Nagoya and search for International Center to attend the Summer Festival
5:30 - Arrive back in Nagoya and search for International Center to attend the Summer Festival
晩 - Evening
6:30 - 8:30 Summer Festival
Arrived on time to the party with my yukata ready for the Bon odori (dance) only to realize that the smallest though extremely vital himo string was missing from my bag meaning there was no way to wear the yukata. The evening held interesting games and much talk with both Japanese people and international students and teachers from around Nagoya. Learned the Bon Odori dance though with so many people at the event this year ( also went in 2009) it was rather crowded. Managed to meet some very interesting people including an adorable little girl who called me "neko-San" the whole evening and demanded that her mother get my details so we could play another day.
9:45 took the 特急 (express) for Aguii. 10:10 was picked up from the station.
So pleasant to be back here. After dropping my bag in the room, setting up the bed and showering it was definitely time for bed. Sleep came quickly and easily and no dreams made it to memory though they would have been sweet.
今日- Today
Woke up at 10 after a sleeping in and was pleasantly surprised to hear and smell rain ( You all know I love the rain) Ate two bread rolls with fresh jam ( blueberry, raspberry, grape, marmalade, uzu, plum) made by family members and mikan (orange)juice made with 100% actual juice before taking Fran-chan (the dog) for a walk through the countryside. Lunch was corn on the cob fresh from the garden with a little salt and sweet ume (plum) juice made by mum. <3 This..is...perfect!. Going to Apita now to purchase some manga books to read over the next few days.
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