Still enjoying my Summer Holidays in Japan and have been spending most of my days reading, drawing and listening to music. (in other words, living the life).
Recently I have allowed myself to become addicted to coffee again and have been going to Starbucks frequently to get my fix. Usually I will read my favorite manga Noragami while I sip. Today I discovered the song Destiny- Zero 7 while at Starbucks, which I shared with Luke as I believe in sharing a good thing.
リラクスー Relaxing
I will go back there sometime for sure.
買い物 Shopping
Have not mentioned it on my blog yet so I shall. This is my new lolita outfit from Violet Blue. It's Angelic Pretty Fancy Paper Dolls ...and it's pink. Did not think something so obviously out of my normal style range could suit me so well. For years the colour pink has not agreed with me, though today that changes. Purchased all the accessories the same day so they match perfectly. (More professional pictures when the weather cools enough to wear it comfortably.)
Although the day was not without it's dramas with me accidentally purchasing an undershirt that would obviously never fit me, from a shop which does not accept returns (not even if you have not even opened the bag, if you have paid, it's yours). To counter this frustration I had some coffee at my favorite little coffee shop in Osu Kannon. The two middle buttons of the shirt will not do up, though realistically only the top three are needed. Saved!
Spent quite a bit of time in Osu Kannon on the weekend with Emily and bought a new silk kimono (not full, just one part) for 500yen ($5). Also sighted some extremely beautful Uchikake or wedding kimono which are pictured here. One day, one of these shall hopefully be mine at my wedding along with everything else necessary for 狐の嫁入り。
Went to visit Remi and Etsuko for dinner afterwards and had some delicious food. Mostly had salad and sashimi, though with a touch of sea cucumber as well as a lobster as the centerpiece. ^_^
Also received some TimTams and Mint Slices and a reply from Michelle who still keeps in contact with Remi for some reason. o.0 Wonder if she reads my blogs.
部活 Club
Joined a club today. Genshiken is the club for manga, games, cosplay and novels. Fairly sure some (actually all) of them are my interests. Upon walking into the room everyone seemed to be interested in me. Though I only got time to chat with a small group of girls, I hope eventually to chat to all the members of the group and get to know them. ^_^ They seem like a wonderful bunch and I have prepared the introduction for tomorrow that I was too shy to deliver today.
Shall keep you all posted on my progress with settling into the club, though it feels comfortable. There are two clubs that have similar interest groups, though the one I joined is more "自由ーfree".
大学 University
Few weeks ago it was explained to me that there was a scholarship for roughly $1kAUD that was offered by the University to students who were studying in the exchange program, however going by my scores from last semester it was 50/50 as to whether I would receive it. Well, today I was called in to speak with the head teacher Abe Sensei and informed that due to my well written application, the scholarship was mine! Will receive it next week and probably put it towards rent.
私は来学期先輩になるよ!Next semester I shall be a senpai!!. Shall be my job to welcome the new students to Ihouse and help them feel comfortable as John did for me. Becoming a senpai will be such an honor and hopefully shall be a pleasant experience. I'm already a senpai within the club I joined today by pure virtue of my age and University year level. *blush* Will senpai notice you?
今から (週末) From now (weekend)
On Saturday I will go with Remi to play table tennis with a boy that she likes, then we shall all go shopping, ^_^. Really looking forward to spending time with Remi as well as having a go at table tennis and meeting this boy. :P
Saturday evening or possibly Sunday, I shall be moving in with the Sakata family who said goodbye to their daughter Mioko today as she left for a two year stay in Gana. Best of luck to you Mio-chan and we are all rooting for you over here in Japan and hoping that you will be able to settle well into the lifestyle in Gana. Wish I was able to spend more time with you before you left!. >.<
Though this means that Mioko's room will become mine and I shall hopefully be living there until the end of my holidays in late August. Fingers crossed!
Beginning to prepare for my trip to Okinawa ^_^ Probably should buy more sunscreen as it's going to be a rather sunny experience I would think. Flights booked and paid for, so time to start thinking about things I wish to do there. Exciting stuff!!!
Nuki-sama reads each night the intriguing, amusing and highly fascinating novel If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino. Each day I wait with anticipation, then am left speechless, awestruck following the reading of the proceeding chapter. Nuki is also reading it for the first time and it's proving to be a reciprocally pleasant experience. Thankful for my Lord of Oxytocin.
That is all for the moment. Hope you are all keeping well. ^_^
Much love, Senti
Much love, Senti
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