Senti Flower
The mysterious and beautiful Senti Flower blossoms for spring.
"It's blue, like you. The white on the inside reminds me of your tails. The fact that it has six petals is like your three tails, and three of mine, paired with them, tied tight around them."
- a Dear Friend.
Got lost on a mountain path today. Found a mountain shrine, a lizard, a spider and the wonder of sakura leaves drifting though a forest.
I present, Spring in Japan.
Sakura in a forest
Their delicate leaves littered the forest floor and contrast with the rugged brown ones.
Lizard tale
As I was walking, I saw a lizard. It looked not unlike the little brown lizards back home, though it's tail was long. I crouched low and decided it was worth trying to catch, just to have a closer look.
I leapt,
though the lizard was quick,
he hid behind a tree shoot....his tail still visible.....
gotcha!!!!! no, but I did get a hand full of some form of tree
sap as I watched the tip of it's tail disappear
behind some leaves.... goodbye lizard.
Made animals with flowers. Everyone made rabbits or dogs and attached those silly red tongues that make the look derp. I made a fox and a rabbit (mine was the only one with long ears), though I think the "rabbit" looks a little too much like Mitsy to be a rabbit, don't you Alex?
Mail from Mum and Dad,
Thank you both for the Easter card and "lazy" post card. :P The post card has been stuck onto my door so that the other students can read all the funny options that were available to tick. Dad, you have fun wrestling that crocodile, and Mum, don't drink too much wine. Love you both and shall see you in Tokyo soon enough.
Hope everyone received their sakura post cards also. There are still some blossoms remaining, though the ground is pink and white wherever you walk. I was thinking the other day, how far some of the petals must travel in the wind...I wonder if any made it to Australia.
Much love to you all,
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