We shall start with a first and a last.
Really enjoyed playing tour guide and I think there could be a niche market for nerdy tour guides who conduct tours to all the anime, gaming and cosplay sectors of Japan. Just an idea.

Sadly this was probably the last of the sakura I will see until next year. Goodbye sakura, until next year.
Discovery 発見
Coolish - icecream in a bag. Best thing ever!
Waldo - he works at a kids clothing shop in Sakae.

New look - For Bastien.

I have also been drawing again. This is me in my true fox form. Three tails, markings on my head. Full Senti Fox.
Sakura motchi is the best! When you exit the station, it's the little handmade stall on the left.
花道 ー Kado
The teacher said it looked perfect as it was, we took photos, then I used the other flowers as instructed.
Aoki sensei did not mind me stopping mid class, while everyone else
was busily adding all the flowers in, to take a photo and appreciate
that balance. Here are the two arrangements for comparison. Right = final. Below = perfect.
Mail from Mainge
Received mail from my little sister Maingly some weeks ago and have kept forgetting to write about it. She sent me a pair of satin pants that she made. ^_^ Very well I must add. Thank you Mainge for the pants, the material is not as thin as I thought it would be, so I shall wear them in the coming months.
Mail from Nuki
Received mail from a tanuki. It smelled very nice indeed and was well written. This is the first reply letter I have received from Australia. With it was a heart shaped Pandora charm with the kanji for love 愛。Thank you Saka-chan/Maki-chan/Nuki-sama, your gift was well received and shall be treasured.
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