Day one - Tokyo - Airport
Caught a bus (Ihouse -> Hongo) to catch a train (Hongo -> Nagoya) to catch a bus (Nagoya -> (Shibuya)Tokyo) to catch a train (Tokyo -> Narita) which I made a mistake on and ended up riding 3 to backtrack, to be there at 8pm to meet my parents at the gate.
Upon successfully arriving at the airport I spotted the very first convenience store that I saw in Japan on my first exchange. I remember buying CC Lemon for the electrolytes. Checked out the food and shopping level after this and got some macha kakogori (green tea shaved ice).
Was wonderful to see my parents and it's still a little surreal to see them in Japan. We booked in to the ANA Intercontinental. They bought me up a trundle bed and it was super comfy though the pillows were too soft >.<. Thus concludes day 1.
Day two - Tokyo - Kaminari-mon and Senso-ji Temple
Seeing the iconic Kaminari-mon with my own eyes is something that I'll never forget. By it's remarkable fame alone the Kaminari-mon a sight to behold, let alone it's sheer size and presence that many is something you really must go see if in Japan.
Lunch was Starbucks and dinner was at a small Izakaya where we had delicious Nepalese influenced Japanese dishes and met a really pleasant man from Nepal who Dad kept saying had a thing for me. o.0
Day Three - Tokyo - Akihabara
First store I entered was a loli-hentai store and it had the tanuki's name all over it. The store had 7 floors catering to Japanese men who may never get girlfriend :P Lollies wall to wall and various merchandise such as hug pillows featuring their likeness.
Third store was an adult store labeled " Adult Amusement Park". They had fluffy butt tails and various things that wizz and wurr and twirl and vibrate. There was also a Mikuji shrine in the store called Akihabara Man-chin Jinjya where you could get your sex fortune. Mine is good aparently.

Day Four - Tokyo - Meiji Jingu and Harajiku

We hung our wish on the wishing tree, saw temple staff in their traditional outfits (which I would love to emulate) and witnessed not one, but two weddings showing two different styles of wedding gown, both of them equally beautiful. Dad managed to get this wonderful picture that captures their happiness well I think. ^_^ I explained to my parents that one day I should like to be married at a Japanese shrine and don the traditional robes. Could there be a foxes wedding. 狸?

My main purchase was this awesome gothic cat jacket which I feel is reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat from the recent Tim Burton remake of Alice In Wonderland, however I also purchased some other odds and ends for friends and some extra poof for my lolita dresses.
After possibly the best crepe I have had so far in Japan, we headed home. Needless to say after such a big day sleep found us soon.
Day Five - Tokyo to Nagoya
Arriving in Nagoya my parents and I headed straight to the dorm to put our bags down, then back out again to Sakae where we wandered for a while. It had been a big day of travel so we had dinner at "Tamago to watashi" (an omelet and rice restaurant recommended to be by Gretchen and Emily) then headed home early and straight to bed.
Day Five - Nagoya - Nagoya Castle and Osu Kannon

Afternoon was shopping in Osu Kannon as there were a number of items I had bought there and shown on my blog that Mum was keen to view. Feeling completely at home in Osu in my lolita outfit, it was safe to say that I was wearing the second most beautiful outfit I had seen that day. Was outdone by another lolita wearing something which must have been Baby The Stars Shine Bright or another brand that just stuns people wherever they go. This wast only because I'd opted to wear my second favorite dress just in case that rain from Tokyo followed us.
Chatted with Nuki in the evening which was extremely pleasant as I had missed the tanuki and after thinking for a few days while being away from home, have decided that he gives rather good advice and is great for my mental health. He read some Don Quixote to me before bed time.
Day Six - Nagoya - Relax
Woke up at 11am. Mum woke up around midday. Had plans to head to the post office, these fell through, though I did manage to remember to pay rent so at least got something ticked off my to do list. Dad however was up earlier and managed to make his way to the electric store near my university, bringing back an Ethernet cable for himself and a wireless router which he helped me set up. We booked our hotel room for tomorrow night in Kyoto and made sure it was within reach of my beloved fox temple.
Around 4 we headed to Hanashoubu, the bathhouse which is very close to Aichi Shukutoku University and a place I wish to frequent more often as it's rather a great place to soak away all my troubles. Lunch was cold kishimen noodles and a fruit smoothy. Dad had been carrying the bulk of the bags so far on the trip, required a massage (or was possibly just too shy to enter the bathhouse) so after sorting out a 90 minute massage for him, mum and myself headed for the ladies side of the bathhouse.
Mum took to the bathhouse like...a duck to water? Usually the whole getting naked in front of other women thing would freak people out, though Mum took it in her stride. Managed to trick Mum into sitting in the electric massage which I find rather an unpleasant sensation, though she managed to flick me with the chilled water from the 16c bath. 0.0 Now we are even.
Then home to what should have been sleep, but ended up in the realization that this blog needs to be written NOW before I completely forget everything.
Need to be up in 4 hours to catch a train to Kyoto for the second half of my adventures with my parents.
Wednesday - Imperial Palace
Thursday - Foxes
Friday - Kinyoubi = kinkakuji.
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