やーべええええ Don't really know if I failed or passed.
Exams: Day 1 (Wednesday)
First day of exams. Double exams with 15 minutes break. The first exam went mildly well and I was feeling good about it, though the second exam utterly destroyed me. The format, it was completely different from the examples I had spent so much time on the night before studying. Shortly after, I became a Pikachu from inability to cope with the stress.
This post sums it up. It was in reply to an article about creative people and how we see the world.
"Just came out of one of the roughest exams I will probably ever sit. I studied hard, I did the needed preparation, looked at the paper and balled my eyes out.
This has reminded me why I live. This has reminded me not to let looking back ruin the beautiful things before me. This has reminded me that failure is just another chance for me to learn. This has reminded me that people love me for me, not my scores. I am creative, not academic. I see the beauty in the world, not the top score. I am motivated by intrinsic not extrinsic motivation. Yeah, I cry easily, but I also laugh a hell of a lot. and I love. I love so many and so much.
Now, I am off to get seasalt icecream!."
The day in betwen was a welcome break, though it was spent doing nothing but study kanji. Literally did not move from my cross legged position on the bed for most of the day, and when I did it was only for a bathroom break or to fetch more water for my kettle.
6 cups of coffee, 2 small packets of chestnuts and an onigiri.
Listening to :
Day two of exams was admittedly better, though the lead-up was no less stressful. Two more exams with what I thought was going to be no break in between. Listened to the song above on repeat with a tissue filled with lavander up my nose until I got a blood nose. I regret nothing.
First exam was almost...fun? Creating fun and interesting sentences to correspond with images. ^_^ Mine were relatively short, though I was not stressed and think I managed.
Unexpected lunch break - 1 hour!
Second exam was written Kanji, however with the amount of study and repetition I had done the day before, it felt like all the kanji just fell out. Single page exam. The kanji I had studied.
(insert confident remark about baked goods and the act of lifting and setting down of feet used as a method of transportation)
Unexpected lunch break - 1 hour!
Second exam was written Kanji, however with the amount of study and repetition I had done the day before, it felt like all the kanji just fell out. Single page exam. The kanji I had studied.
(insert confident remark about baked goods and the act of lifting and setting down of feet used as a method of transportation)
Result: Wednesday : Kanji reading : 71% (not bad).
So, what is next for Senti? *cough* Bastien.
My make up exam will also be next week, but apparently the teachers will work though mistakes and won't let me fail. ^_^
Thank you all so much for your love and support! This particular experiance was rather unpleasant, though it shall be learned from.
No achievement without struggle.
Though it's all over now. I did it, I am alive and I am proud.
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