Already I have had sakura
- latte (Starbucks)
- icecream (conbini)
- cake (Starbucks)
Looking forward to much more sakura themed things to come.
宿題 = shukudai = Homework
Recently I have been very very busy with homework and study and will do the second of my kanji tests (the largest one with more than 100 kanji to remember) tomorrow. Now I can understand why the name of this University is shorted from aichi SHUKUtoku DAIgaku, to just SHUKUDAI (homework in Japanese). Though my class level is extremely challenging, it shall be rewarding if I can pass it.
Recently I had some success in that I was able to pass my in class kanji test 12/18. Let's hope I can work hard and continue this.
Mid-semesters are in three weeks, so I will have to pick up the study even more if I aim to pass them.
Pottering along
Today I went with my Culture class to make pottery. Originally I had planned to make three bowls, but only had enough clay for two (hope that will be enough). I even designed something to carve onto the side. ^_^. Laura, Justin and Lin were among the people sitting at my table and we all had a wonderful time making various things. Lin even wrote on the bottom of my bowls because, being from China, her kanji is perfect.
Friends - Japan
Recently there was something that made me a little sad and as soon as my friends from class heard, they were very kind and An-san even bought me some strawberry ice-cream. Lin told me to read manga before I go to bed to clear my head. (Recently I have been getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night because of homework)
Some of my international friends friends.
Man - England - "Man" Is her surname, but she prefers us to call her Man. :P She loves puns.
Laura - Germany - Pretty, super smart and great at Japanese. Reminds me a little of Auska.
Akemi - Brazil - Super smart and great at Japanese. Wish I could speak like her.
Lin - China - Birthday on the 11th of December. Loves boys love.
Yuka - Japan - Sempai. Took us to Ichigo Gari and is really cool.
John - Norway - Currently home in Norway. Loves drinking and having a great time.
Will talk more about the people I have met when I have more time.
Friends/Family Australia
Damn I miss you guys so gosh darn much!!!! Japan is difficult and often lonely, despite me knowing so many people here. Language is still an issue in full communication. You all mean so much to me and I miss being able to see you all, to hug you all, to chat face to face about silly little things and feel like we have so much time together.
Missing hugs the most. Thankful for Skype and Facebook. Though it's still VERY hard.
This would probably break so many of you.
This is my dream.
I chose it.
I'm living it.
I WILL make the most of it.
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