Dear friends and family,
As I settle into Japanese life once again, I find I'm wishing to spend more time away from the computer, to actually live in Japan and not in my room half way in Canberra. Thus I write to inform you all that, from today onwards more than ever, I shall be focusing on Japan. Japanese friends, Japanese homework and Japanese lifestyle/culture. After-all, this why I came to Japan.
With regards to Facebook, although it has probably become evident to you all already, when I am 'Online' it means I am probably doing homework or just checking emails. Despite this giving the impression that I am always on, though never want to chat with you, the truth is that I like to see how you are all going, and while I don't have much time recently, I do enjoy a good chat from time to time. ^_^
Though I'm going well in Japan and in good spirits, I recognize that as I approach the anniversary of 2 months in Japan, it's time to let go of some of Canberra. You are all dear to me and I really appreciate all the encouragement, love and support from each of you. Shall always have you with me as I explore Japan and I wish you all the best in your own individual endeavors.
Will try to keep my blog regular and my Facebook replies also, though no promises. No idea where life in Japan is going to take me, what homework will come up, or what chances for adventure, though I shall endeavor to keep you all informed of them.
Once again, thank you to each of you for your love and support.
Kind regards,
Friday, February 28, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Cats get all the girls |
So today I went to the Sakae Cat Cafe with Gretchen and Emily. We met at the Crystal Fountain, all wore out lolita dresses then played with the kitties for an hour and a half. There were about 10 cats or different ages, types and personalities. There was even one that looked like the cat I met last time I was in Japan.
Here are some of the cats (Nice big pictures because I loved them)
Static cat |
Looking up with fox cat |
Lynx cat |
Panther |
Tabris (This is the cat that reminded me of Kaworu. I love the markings on his head) |
Cat thinks he is a post |
Fox cat |
They had free drinks including hot chocolate, tea, coffee and soda, though the cakes were 500en.
Some of the cats |
Saw a girl at the underground mall next to the train station, with a Pokecenter bag. I mentioned that last time I was in Nagoya, there was a Pokemon Center in Oasis 21, that was no longer there and that I really love Pokemon. She explained that the store had not had moved..and it was not far from the station.
I...freaked...OUT!!!!!!!!!!! POKEMON! EVERYWHERE!!!
(could not take photos apparently, though I did manage to capture a movie before I was told this so message me if you wish to view it. Wall to wall pokemon plush and merch. This store is going to send me broke!!!!)
Because my cash card takes a little while to transfer monies over, and I only just put some on it on Sunday, I shall be back there on Wednesday, or later in the week for sure. (I have my eye on a massive Fennekin plush. You jelly? )
Food. Because I have been cooking recently, I will talk briefly about the home cooked meals I have been enjoying recently
-bacon and eggs
- baked potatoes (tomato, onion, capsicum, cheese, mushrooms )
- Mushroom pasta (extra mushies)
- Carbonara pasta (extra mushies)
- cookies
- pancakes
- crepes
Cy-chan and the yet unamed bonsai are still blossoming beautifully. Cy-chan has begun to drop petals, so I have a few images of Kaworu playing amongst the petals. Also some more images of the yet unnamed bonsai. (Please message me if you have any suggestions)
Also managed to try two new icecream flavours. The purple one is purple potato and tastes a little like the orange sweet potato. I really enjoy all the icecream flavours in Japan and look forward to trying new ones such as rose, lavender and prawn.
Hope you are all well in your corner of the world.
Being with friends in Nagoya today has lightened my mood somewhat for the moment, though there is still the matter of the heavy homework load. >.<
Much love,
Senti Fox.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Sakura go!
Already I have had sakura
- latte (Starbucks)
- icecream (conbini)
- cake (Starbucks)
Looking forward to much more sakura themed things to come.
宿題 = shukudai = Homework
Recently I have been very very busy with homework and study and will do the second of my kanji tests (the largest one with more than 100 kanji to remember) tomorrow. Now I can understand why the name of this University is shorted from aichi SHUKUtoku DAIgaku, to just SHUKUDAI (homework in Japanese). Though my class level is extremely challenging, it shall be rewarding if I can pass it.
Recently I had some success in that I was able to pass my in class kanji test 12/18. Let's hope I can work hard and continue this.
Mid-semesters are in three weeks, so I will have to pick up the study even more if I aim to pass them.
Pottering along
Today I went with my Culture class to make pottery. Originally I had planned to make three bowls, but only had enough clay for two (hope that will be enough). I even designed something to carve onto the side. ^_^. Laura, Justin and Lin were among the people sitting at my table and we all had a wonderful time making various things. Lin even wrote on the bottom of my bowls because, being from China, her kanji is perfect.
Friends - Japan
Recently there was something that made me a little sad and as soon as my friends from class heard, they were very kind and An-san even bought me some strawberry ice-cream. Lin told me to read manga before I go to bed to clear my head. (Recently I have been getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night because of homework)
Some of my international friends friends.
Man - England - "Man" Is her surname, but she prefers us to call her Man. :P She loves puns.
Laura - Germany - Pretty, super smart and great at Japanese. Reminds me a little of Auska.
Akemi - Brazil - Super smart and great at Japanese. Wish I could speak like her.
Lin - China - Birthday on the 11th of December. Loves boys love.
Yuka - Japan - Sempai. Took us to Ichigo Gari and is really cool.
John - Norway - Currently home in Norway. Loves drinking and having a great time.
Will talk more about the people I have met when I have more time.
Friends/Family Australia
Damn I miss you guys so gosh darn much!!!! Japan is difficult and often lonely, despite me knowing so many people here. Language is still an issue in full communication. You all mean so much to me and I miss being able to see you all, to hug you all, to chat face to face about silly little things and feel like we have so much time together.
Missing hugs the most. Thankful for Skype and Facebook. Though it's still VERY hard.
This would probably break so many of you.
This is my dream.
I chose it.
I'm living it.
I WILL make the most of it.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Yagoto Koushoji
Today, instead of pottery, we went to see the Kousho temple in Yagoto. Pottery will instead be next week, so don't fret.
My morning class did not start until 10:30, so I had a little sleep in. Class was cut short by the trip which meant that I had less lesson and more enjoyment time.
Went with my class by subway to the temple and we wandered around some markets that were being held here. I bought a white Ume bonsai to keep Cy-chan company. It was half the price, but did not come with a ceramic bowl, so I shall replant it as soon as possible into something more permanent.
You ask me "Belinda/Senti/Boo, how do you look so gosh darn adorable all the time", well, here is a rundown of my outfit for today.
- Striped cat tights - bought in Osu Kannon - $3
- white floofy skirt - Target
- Elephant print shirt
- Blue cape, lined with fur trim on the hood - Bookoff - $2
This temple is connected with the Tokugawa family. It's grounds hold the
only wooden pagoda in the whole Tokai region, and offer training to
young monks.

We were able to go into the temple building where the Buddha is kept. There was a monk praying inside the sacred area where you cannot go. As always it was painted in black and very intricately decorated with gold. Such a lavish presentation inhabited by those who chose to abstain from such things.

Seeing the temple I remembered how I had once wished to become a monk, now understanding the real attraction that there is in living such a simple quiet life dedicated to being thankful and thoughtful.

Outside the temple was this Tou (stone pagoda) ..and inside these rubber duckies.
I suspect it was a kids play area, though they were an unexpected sight.
Overall it was a really pleasant day out with friends.
My morning class did not start until 10:30, so I had a little sleep in. Class was cut short by the trip which meant that I had less lesson and more enjoyment time.
Went with my class by subway to the temple and we wandered around some markets that were being held here. I bought a white Ume bonsai to keep Cy-chan company. It was half the price, but did not come with a ceramic bowl, so I shall replant it as soon as possible into something more permanent.
- Striped cat tights - bought in Osu Kannon - $3
- white floofy skirt - Target
- Elephant print shirt
- Blue cape, lined with fur trim on the hood - Bookoff - $2
We were able to go into the temple building where the Buddha is kept. There was a monk praying inside the sacred area where you cannot go. As always it was painted in black and very intricately decorated with gold. Such a lavish presentation inhabited by those who chose to abstain from such things.
Seeing the temple I remembered how I had once wished to become a monk, now understanding the real attraction that there is in living such a simple quiet life dedicated to being thankful and thoughtful.
Outside the temple was this Tou (stone pagoda) ..and inside these rubber duckies.
I suspect it was a kids play area, though they were an unexpected sight.
Overall it was a really pleasant day out with friends.
Lin, myself and Laura. |
Hellos peeps,
As many of you know, recently I have had some bumps in the road. Exchange is, contrary to what many of you may have thought, almost exactly as I had anticipated. Lots of study, with lots of adventures.
So far my experiences in Japan have been (terrific). Both positive and negative, all become a lesson.
Cultural observation
Japanese culture varies quite a lot from Australian culture in that it is much older, deeply ingrained and for the most part unchanging. Or at least it was. While the youth of Australia attempt to fathom the multiple cultural influences of the young country, the youth of Japan struggle with culture also, though in their case it's not a question of how to build, but what materials to use.

On a less serious note
- My helix is infected..very infected.
- Starting to eat healthier - salads and fruit. (I now like strawberries)
- Going for more walks (moonlit)
- Drinking more tea (matcha and Himalayan Sherpa Tea)
- iPhone refused to work, entered recovery mode, took it to the Apple Store - fixed.
- bought a headset and mouse for my computer
- Spring break is over - homework has started
- speech went well (Did not cry)
- want to read more manga, especially Norigami and Momochi
- loaded my Manaca card with $100
- exchange rate sucks
- going to pay rent tomorrow
- had takoyaki on Monday
- made strawberry and chocolate pancakes again (Delicious)
- Paws and Nuki got my letters and were pleased.
- not feeling as lonely now I'm back at University
Tomorrow peeps, I am going to make Japanese tea cups. They said I can make as many as I would like in the allocated time and they have a range of colours. I plan to carve a fox into each and do my best to make as many as I can!!
Kaworu is still waiting for Shinji-kun underneath the Ume tree.
Kaworu waits,
The delicate flowers bloom
As love itself
Like winters final flowers
Hellos peeps,
As many of you know, recently I have had some bumps in the road. Exchange is, contrary to what many of you may have thought, almost exactly as I had anticipated. Lots of study, with lots of adventures.
So far my experiences in Japan have been (terrific). Both positive and negative, all become a lesson.
Cultural observation
Japanese culture varies quite a lot from Australian culture in that it is much older, deeply ingrained and for the most part unchanging. Or at least it was. While the youth of Australia attempt to fathom the multiple cultural influences of the young country, the youth of Japan struggle with culture also, though in their case it's not a question of how to build, but what materials to use.

On a less serious note
- My helix is infected..very infected.
- Starting to eat healthier - salads and fruit. (I now like strawberries)
- Going for more walks (moonlit)
- Drinking more tea (matcha and Himalayan Sherpa Tea)
- iPhone refused to work, entered recovery mode, took it to the Apple Store - fixed.
- bought a headset and mouse for my computer
- Spring break is over - homework has started
- speech went well (Did not cry)

- loaded my Manaca card with $100
- exchange rate sucks
- going to pay rent tomorrow
- had takoyaki on Monday
- made strawberry and chocolate pancakes again (Delicious)
- Paws and Nuki got my letters and were pleased.
- not feeling as lonely now I'm back at University
Tomorrow peeps, I am going to make Japanese tea cups. They said I can make as many as I would like in the allocated time and they have a range of colours. I plan to carve a fox into each and do my best to make as many as I can!!
Kaworu is still waiting for Shinji-kun underneath the Ume tree.
Kaworu waits,
The delicate flowers bloom
As love itself
Like winters final flowers
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