Ihouse -> Hongo -> Nagoya.
9:00 Caught bus into the mountains.
- bought some headphones quickly
- was amazed to see mountains with snow as I had no idea that we were going somewhere with snow, let alone the "Japanese Alps"
11:00 Arrived at the Whiskey brewery got a tour around to see how they produce it , tried some and it was delicious. Nice start to the morning.
- driving in we saw monkies
- they had apple juice which was local produce also.
- Ate a special milk ice-cream specific to that area for dessert.
Snow in the forest shrine!
Lin-san and I |
Also reminded me of a very special bear-dog back at home. Thank you Alex for being such an awesomely fabulous and loyal friend.
Hope I will be able to show you this shine some day.
The snow on the moss and those beautiful tall trees really were a sight to be seen. If I can, I would love to visit this shrine again.
Alex and I sang "What Does the Fox Say" as we danced and ate strawberries. He is the teacher from China and is awesome fun.
4:00 Home time.
- Lin-chan slept on my shoulder and we chatted about life.
-was super super full.
6:00 arrived back at Nagoya station.
- Went to the cosmetic store with Lin and Yuka
- Nagoya Dome to take Prikura. (pictures soon)
- bought new manga.
Big shout-out to my little sis Ainsley who apparently has been reading and enjoying my blog. Hope you are well and best of luck with your examies. Also, please show my blog to Granny if you can as I know she would love to read of my adventures.
Much love to you all,
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