So, skipping reporting on the trip to Kyoto as it serves as a road block for more current news. Therefor it shall be saved for another time, and there shall be a return to my usual weekly mini posts.
Big news

Shall need to book flights for my trip home soonish despite me being reluctant to think about returning to Australia. Unfortunately, until this time the budget for flights home had been exempt from the overall budget, so in fact this will leave me with less money than planned to complete my adventures. Sadface. month until my birthday peeps.
Of what has now officially become my longest exchange, there are but months left. Currently discussing the details, though within the next 3-4 months my inevitable return shall be imminent.
Let's break the mini news from now on into my classes shall we.
Currently we are listening to a tape about death. Well, not really about death, more so the process and price of funerals. This tape is rather interesting for me, although the previous which was about an experiment with Oxycontin and dog owners was more to my liking. However, Abe-sensei always picks very interesting tapes, making this my favorite class.
The ever amusing Tabata-sensei. This class is my second favorite and involves speeches as well as conversation formation which is conducted in pairs. Previous speeches have included topics such as "The biggest mistake of my life"(Not having confidence) and "An unforgettable person"(Chose Mr Bardsley)". The next topic will be "Small pleasures in life"which leaves myself with the conundrum of having too many, which has never been a bad thing up until this speech.
Essay Writing
The ever amusing Tabata-sensei, again. Class consisting of exactly what you might guess. Not much to write about the class, yet so much to write. :D
Least, favorite, class. Suzuki-sensei can talk, and talk, and talk, about...........nothing. Long pages of text and my arch nemesis, kanji. We do battle each Thursday and Friday and although victory is inevitable, an unshakable habit of stuttering my Japanese when reading aloud makes for an amusing class, or at least for my classmates. So far the texts have been interesting however and include "A world without mobile phones" and "Okinawa", a text about how moving to Okinawa was a welcomed remedy for the trauma of the earthquake and tsunami.
Feeling confident about my translation exam yesterday. We did two texts, one manga exert about a boy called Kobo-chan who, in this particular section remarked how he wanted to grow up quickly in order to be able to give blood, though only after observing that those leaving the blood van were given free juice, and a news paper article about a traffic accident. We were allowed to use our dictionaries and were tested on how well we remembered the rules for translation.
Sensei is a demon. We connect on that level that only mischievous Japanese creatures of folklore can (Nuki, you know what is meant). Currently the class are carving our own stamp seals. Mine bears the name "Belinko" (Ko is for fox) and the image of a fox face. Though my skill is markedly lacking. it seems there is am opportunity to have a seal made by talented sensei himself which would please me greatly.
Ikebana (Kado)
Aoki-sensei is possibly the happiest person on earth. We connect on that level that only people who seem like the happiest people on earth can. This week the class worked with gorgeous preserved purple roses, which was imensely enjoyable for myself, having some experience in the field of flowers. (Pun-intended) These classes serve to calm my mind and allow for a much needed release of creative energy that is not afforded as readily in other classes.
Each weeks arrangement is given either a "win" or "lose" rating based on whether the image in my head matches that achieved through the medium. This week was a win.
International Studies
Focussing on International Education, this class for me is participation only. No marks will be collected, though no homework will be either. Attendance is different to the other students for the previously mentioned reason, however there is much to learn through observation. The schooling systems in China and Korea scare me quite a bit with talk of days filled until nights with classes, then homework. Despite my love/hate relationship with Australia in recent months, this class has sought to reinforce for fortunate my birth in such a county.
Yes, seriously taking that many classes this semester, plus many of these have classes on multiple days. Taihen (Difficult).
Will be going on the trip of a lifetime this Sunday. Traveling to Kyoto to climb the mountain of Fushimi Inari Shrine. If ever there would be something to designate a spiritual experience, this would be mine. Many of you would be familiar with my Fursona or furry persona
Senti, well this (country, city, very mountain) is most likely where she would reside. Now think of that, your perfect spot, in the deep of Autumn (this weekend marks the absolute deep of Autumn in Japan).
The word
Kandou is highly applicable here.