Has it really been more than a week since I posted?
Time flies when you are stressed out and just wishing for more gosh darn time. :P
Kanji tests, mini reports, speeches and debates.
Late nights, early mornings and too much sugar to make them possible.
As many of you have seen on my facebook, I now have circle lenses and an albino squid. Both involve big eyes. ^_^ The squid is yet unnamed, though was purchased from Nagoya Port Aquarium and now sleeps on my bed. Went to the port last week with Emily, Gretchen(please click to check out her awesome blog) Remi, and Justin. After going to the Port (we did not actually go to the aquarium) we headed to a British pub for drinkies. Was an enjoyable day.
Another awesome thing that I found was this Dragonite model kit which I built while watching Queen of the Damned. The Dragonite features internal mechanisms that make it's arms move when you open and close it's mouth, and allow for movement of the tail, feet and arms.
Time to start looking for a club!!
Since the Japanese semester starts early next month, I am on the lookout for clubs that I wish to join. Two of the clubs I am considering are the Anime club and the Koto club (Alex, you could come learn Koto with me). Shall keep you all posted on which club I decide to enter, though there are indeed many awesome clubs here.
Last weeks flower arranging was a little different in that it used preserved flowers. Such a break from the usual fresh cut flowers that bought such vibrancy and life. Thanks to my brief yet valuable experience at Trudy's Flowers in Ballina, this was not something new to me and I was able to create something worth keeping for the 30-40 years that the flowers will last (no idea how I will get them home). Did manage to break one flower though, snapping the head clean from the stem >.<Also received the bowls I made a few weeks back. My two turned out well I think. ^_^
Cy-chan and Saki- chan (previously Shiro-chan) have begun to get their leaves for the year which is marvelous to see. I love how the leaves begin red when they shoot, then change to green once they form. The moss seems to have mostly taken and there seems to be some growing in places that I did not place it.
Hoping to be more prepared in terms of University work for the week ahead so I don't have to struggle though nights of catching up though early mornings. :P Hope you are all well in your respective countries and much love.
*Currently writing post cards to send you all* Please, if I don't have your address and you would like a post card, let me know.